Time Efficiency Tips

Wasting time makes me nutty. Why spend more time in a grocery store than necessary, amen?

Here's a few of my tried and true time efficient tips:

  1. Organize your grocery list by order of your route through the store - saves you wasted time doubling back down isles and reduces the likelihood of forgotten items
  2. Peruse the store sale flier in advance - helps to quickly inspire your meal plan, as well as highlights good opportunities to stock staples
  3. Shop during non-peak hours - saves you the trouble of having to plow through seas of panicked husbands, wailing children, and teetering grandmas
  4. Prep meal components in advance when possible - nothing is better than coming home from work to a fridge full of chopped veggies and cleaned meats ready for cooking! Unless, of course, you come home to a husband already preparing dinner. 
